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xMike.com: Paypal Warning
There's a reason a class action suit was brought on against them.

 » Down With Bad Business Practices!
xMike.com is one of Paypal's latest victims. My account was closed down immediately after there was a single naked picture posted on a site with my "donate" button on it (the site was not xMike - FYI.) The site isn't even supposed to allow nudity, so it was against my terms anyway. However, I thought this could be easily remedied by contacting Paypal, explaining the situation, and having a human look at the thousands of dollars and transactions I've used Paypal for for over 2-3 years. Everything legitimate, a very nice "verified level" - everything cool. However, I was denied appeal time and time again, they would not let me SPEAK to a human in their "compliance" department to ask for an actual review of my case. Instead just canned email responses such as the one below. So because of this, I can no longer accept Paypal for donations. However, this has spurred the need for a new method, so I will be setting that up shortly.

I will also probably be setting up access with a few other Paypal-type replacements. Bidpay seems to be the best for auction payments. I still haven't found a good one for general transactions. The worst part is that I relied on this Paypal account for everything - hosting payments, freelance work, website donations. It's okay though, after three years of collecting fees from my money, they shut me down without a care.

xMike is not alone. Thousands of users have been screwed by Paypal. Luckily, they sent me the money in my account. My account was not "frozen" for investigation. Some people have thousands of dollars sitting in their account and can't touch it. It's pathetic. I never kept much in my Paypal accounts out of paranoia and I'm glad for that. They proved me right, and now Paypalsucks.com horror stories take on a whole new meaning.

The moral of this story? FUCK PAYPAL - find a better replacement with some INTEGRITY. Something that is backed by an actual bank.

Appeal my ass, I got no chance. No human to listen to me. Just some customer support representatives telling me they can't do anything, that my only option is emailing their compliance department. Here's the type of shit you get back. My favorite is the line about "feel free to contact us again" - they don't care, because they'll send this exact same reply back.
Dear Michael,

Thank you for contacting PayPal.

Unfortunately, your site contains adult content. PayPal was listed on the account, which is a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy. Due to the violation, there are no appeals.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

PayPal Compliance Department
PayPal, an eBay Company
The best part about this is ANYONE can be fucked by this. Don't like someone? Get their Paypal email address, put up a page of porn pics, put a Paypal "donate" link on it and tie it to your enemy's email. They will be denied any appeal - if they're treated the same way I was. I even told the customer support guy I would begin to do this, since it makes no fucking sense - just to exploit the stupid process. He told me "Sir, if that's your perogative..." - i.e. "we don't care, we fuck people like you all the time from being able to do business online easily."

Take it for what it's worth. But Paypal is NOT a bank, NOT FDIC-insured, and is NOT required to give you your money, keep your financial data secure, or ANYTHING.

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