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xMike.com: Site Information: Terms
This is not a complete list, this is only a start. It may change at any time.

 » The Terms
  • Images on xMike.com are not intended to replace other Internet services such as personal home pages or other image rating sites. Not all types of images are suitable for use on xMike.com.
  • We suggest you upload a high-quality images of yourself that are clear and current.
  • Please do not upload any images containing animals, pets, children, cartoons, comics, celebrities, nudity, artwork, or copyrighted images.
  • xMike.com is not able to investigate or confirm the copyright or ownership of artwork or other uploaded images, so please do not upload files that do not contain images of yourself. Images of cartoon characters or celebrities are copyrighted and not appropriate on xMike.com and will result in image and/or account deletion.
  • For security and privacy reasons, please do not upload any images that contain contact information such as names, phone numbers, email addresses, or web site URLs.
  • All images on xMike.com are subject to review and removal. Offensive content is not permitted. We reserve the right to reject or delete any content uploaded to xMike.com.
  • Do not submit fake images, it is pointless. Your account(s) will be banned and the administration will not be happy. Continued abuse may result in legal action.
  • xMike.com reserves the right to deny any or all aspects of service to anyone.
  • Do not complain about being banned. Do not come back on multiple accounts.
  • Use common sense.
More [revised] terms of use coming soon...

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