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VOTED - Half of xM's Hottest Couple - 2004
ffo SouthernAngel: Okay, Jesy...seriously...for such a tiny girl, you can pound down the drinks. I'm impressed. Brine: yeah, I really believe you can outdrink me Jesy Jes: LOL Davibo: yeah, Jesy has no blood. she has alcohol instead. xMikers i've talked to on the phone: theprophet sex corey502 virjenn nirvana myke wimp newgod ffo oreiroman zen_dawg thejacobianemperor cuppb guitarplayer spumpkinscm stevesafag daniel weedpicker bluebawls virjenn miah cretin davibo crumshot susy julio edge jimmyxxx mike kyle rejekt leero alan phr0zensm0k3 projektredline randomname85 explicit 1313 evoken leftcoastenvy undecided toee drew faded kevinfortune josh baines donkey crazygogo __vinny onlyoneerika style hoss norcalgitis somato randomvandal imben brine abused_angel slambam85 bujurajah vey323 dci56 riceboy xMikers i've met: theprophet myke stevesafag nirvana virjenn daniel cuppb crumshot weedpicker liftmycurse explicit corey502 toee 1313 mea bluebawls josh sc0rpi0 imben criss dawson kalessin rebellious_chick thecamoninja lilclaudia southernangel missnaughty davibo xandro vegemiteking brine murph8dog koshko akmofo bananalionscan crazeegogo dci56 frankthetank matty onlyoneerika randomvandal saraha sex somato riceboy quote: quote: quote: quote: Links & Other Profiles
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