Witty Quote
xMike.com: Well I'm in business, the business of kicking your ass... and let me tell you... business is boomin.
» xMike.com » Users » stacyzm (still being worked on!)
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Profile Details
  • Name:
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 41
  • Birthday: May 27th
  • Sign: n/a
  • Marital Status: n/a
  • Ethnicity: n/a
  • Employment: n/a
  • Education: n/a

  • Height: n/a
  • Body Type: n/a
  • Hair Color: n/a
  • Eye Color: n/a
  • Tattoos: n/a
  • Piercings: n/a

  • Sexual Orientation: n/a
  • Drinks: n/a
  • Smokes: n/a
  • Religious: n/a

  • Country: United States
  • State/Province: California
  • City: san diego


  • Signed Up: 2003/05/19 05:22 PM
  • Last On: 2004/04/10 05:02 AM
  • Saluted: No
  • Premium Member: No
  • Forum Posts: 0 (0.00 average per day)

Here For

well i dont ahve alot to say except that im still over here in iraq waiting for my turn to come back to the states. i want to some one to talk to while im here and to keep my mind off the heat and complete bordom. who knows if i meet someone and we turn out to like eachother enough we can meet when i get home. ive been over here for a little over 7 months now and i have to be honest, after that long of not seeing or talking to females it makes you pretty horny. sotalk to me at your own risk. one more thing. im not in the army, im a marine.
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